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Looking for the right

Auto Repair Services ?

Dalco Motors Limited provides comprehensive maintenance and repair services for Eicher and UD trucks. Their offerings include oil changes, engine, gearbox, and differential overhauls to ensure peak performance, durability, and reliability of trucks. Whether it’s routine maintenance or major component repairs, Dalco Motors ensures that your truck operates smoothly and efficiently on the road.

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Our Services

Engine Overhaul

Complete Restoration for Peak Engine Performance

Oil Change & Greasing

Routine Maintenance for Long-Lasting Truck Performance

Gearbox Overhaul

Smooth Shifting and Power Transmission Restored

Differntial Overhaul

Enhanced Truck Handling and Power Distribution

Brake System Repair

Reliable Stopping Power for Safer Journeys

Suspension repair

Ensuring a Smooth and Stable Ride

Electrical Diagnostics

Reliable Electrical Function for Safe and Efficient Operations.

Cooling system

Preventing Overheating for Long-lasting Engine Performance

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Vehicle damage? We’ll fix it

We specialize in Eicher & UD trucks repair. We also deal in the sale of these brand trucks and auto spares.

Call us now: 1-800-123-4568

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Your Automotive Repair & Maintenance Service Specialist

***Please note that the date and time you requested may not be available. We will contact you to confirm your actual appointment details.